
Tag Archives: Plant-Based

Acceptance of Meat Analogue Products

Proteins is one of the essential components of the human nutrition. Supply of protein is crucial both nutritionally and environmentally. Animal meat is the main source of high-quality proteins and currently widely consumed by humans. However, the condition to create high-quality meat is demanding and requires usage of vast resources. Land and water usage to […]

Comparison of Physicochemical Characteristics of Meat and Meat Analogues

There is a reduction on meat consumption in dietary due to concerns on health, environment, and ecological aspects. Consumption of plant-protein diet has the tendency to lower body weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure. However, the introduction of these new type of protein still possesses some disadvantages against animal meat. Meat analogue or texturized vegetable protein […]

Meatless Kingdom at SialINTERFOOD 2022

Internationally scaled food and drinks expo, The Global Food Marketplace or Salon International de L’alimentation (Sial Interfood) was held at Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Indonesia. Lots of industry that focuses on food and beverages participated on the expo. SIALInterFOOD is held as a barometer to increase the rise of culinary and horeca industry in Indonesia. […]

The Demand of Protein: Animals and Plants

Image by Freepik

The demand of protein ingredients has surged over the last few years. Currently, global protein ingredient was valued at USD 38 billion (2019) and expected to grow at a rate of 9.1% until 2027. The consumption of animal proteins is increasing each year as well with plant protein. Plant protein can offset the market because […]

“Travelling” The World at Trade Expo Indonesia 2022

PT Yasa Jamur Sriwijaya, as one of the leading UKM in Cimahi participated in Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2022 as one of their representatives. The event is held on 19-23 October 2022, located in I Bringing the theme of “Strengthening Global Trade for Stronger Recovery”, TEI 2022 aims to lift and accelerate the recovery of […]

Meatless Kingdom and #Generasi Dairy-Free Festival

22-25 September 2022, Meatless Kingdom is invited to attend #Generasi Dairy-Free Festival that is organized by Jakarta Vegan Guide located in Central Park, West Jakarta. Focusing on plant-based foods, non-dairy foods and vegan friendly foods, making it the first big dairy-Free Festival in Asia Held from 10:00 to 22:00 Different tenants bringing their specialities starting […]

Yasa Jamur Invades Kota Baru Parahyangan

Saturday (17/09/22), PT Yasa Jamur join an event held by Sekolah Bina Persada at Kota Baru Parahyangan, Kabupaten Bandung Barat. We are invited to join the event with the theme of “Preserving the Beauty of Indonesia”. Taking the big idea of the event, we highlighted mushroom as one of the underutilized plants in Indonesia, transforming […]

Meatless Kingdom: The First Ready to Eat Plant-Based Food in Indonesia

Meatless Kingdom is one of Indonesia’s first start-up that introduce ready to eat plant-based foods. Established in 2016, we are trying to increase the market value of mushroom which is less exploited in Indonesia. Aiming to create healthy foods so consumer can eat freely without having concerns on destroying the environment and harming personal health. […]

Keuken 2022: A Culinary Festival

Sunday (28/08/22), Keuken event was held again after in Bandung that is located in Kiara Artha Park. After being postponed due to Covid 19 pandemic. Focusing on health, and having the tagline “Sunday Funday”, Keuken organizer choose this theme because of the pandemic, there is a raise of health quality in Indonesia, where people are […]

Application of Plant-Based Diets on Hypertension

The prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCD) is increasing rapidly each year, thus becoming the largest cause of death. WHO (2020) stated that 73% of death in Indonesia is caused by NCD. It is caused by the poor regulation regarding the limitation of salt usage, saturated fatty acids, trans fat, and the prohibition of advertising or […]