PT Yasa Jamur Sriwijaya, as one of the leading UKM in Cimahi participated in Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2022 as one of their representatives. The event is held on 19-23 October 2022, located in I Bringing the theme of “Strengthening Global Trade for Stronger Recovery”, TEI 2022 aims to lift and accelerate the recovery of […]
Monthly Archives: October 2022
Implementing Vegan Diet Some regions had already applied vegetarian and vegan diets and they do have a long cultural-religious based tradition. These diets recently have become more prevalent in Europe and some Western countries. Recent survey in Switzerland found that the majority of vegans (76%) has been following this diet for <5 years and only […]
The food that we consume has large impacts to the environments. Impact that are given varies significantly between the diet types. According to the United Nations, world population will increase from 7 billion to 9.8 billion people by 2050. These growths imply increasing demands for animal products, dairy and crops which needs to be increased. […]
Bandung Bike Festival 2022 Bandung Bike Festival (BBF) 2022, has been successfully held and it gave great and deep impression to the people involved that coordinate, sponsors and citizens that come to the event on 30 September – 1 October 2022 in Gedung Sate, Jalan Diponegoro. Different entertainment and activities are provided which includes street […]