
Monthly Archives: February 2023

Why need protein when you workout?

Do you ever think why athletes have their own nutritionist to keep their protein take? Or have you ever heard on social media a fitness influencer sharing about you having to take protein when you want to start a workout? Let us tell you the importance of protein for workout activities. Workout, either at the […]

Alternative Protein 101: here what you should know!

Alternative protein is protein that we obtain from food other than animal derived. It can be plant based, microorganisms based, and cell cultured based. This practice is increasingly favored for several reasons, such as environment, ethical, nutrition, also taste and texture. According to Data Bridge, alternative protein will grow up to 14% in 2027, while […]

Fiber: important but undigested, How?

Do you ever heard your body need fiber? Mostly, we consume food without considering the nutrition consist inside. Whereas, the food that we consumed daily can define our health. Indonesia is continue facing the nutrition problem, especially fiber consumption. In 2018, Ministry of Health by Riskesdas, shows approximately 95% of Indonesians do not include it […]

Plant Based for Low Calorie Diet?

Plant Based for Low Calories Diet?

Nowadays, world become more and more aware to the importance of health from the food consumption. People is glorifying the trend of healthy lifestyle, but how do we know the lifestyle that we live in the moment is healthy? Does it related to the calorie we eat every day? what is calorie? Calorie is an […]

Notice! These Signs Show Your Body Needs More Protein

In a previous article, we discussed what protein is. Along with carbohydrate and fat, protein takes a big part in body structure and function to develop a human, from baby to granny. According to Ministry of Health, in 2021 Indonesia reach to 24.4% of stunting children and gradually success to decrease the number stunting children, […]

Animal Protein VS Plant Protein

Animal proteins are complete proteins. That means they contain all the essential amino acids that you need in your diet. Plant proteins are often, but not always, incomplete sources of protein, There are benefits and concerns with both types of protein. But diets that rely mostly on plants for protein have been linked to a lower risk of stroke, heart […]

What is Protein – Part 1

Every day we hear the word protein and see it in the food or multivitamin packaging information, but some of us don’t realize what protein means. some people are also unable to distinguish between types of protein so they are sufficient for their intake of protein from certain types of food. some people find it […]

Hari Lahan Basah Sedunia 2023

  Hari Lahan Basah Sedunia diperingati setiap tanggal 2 Februari. Selain itu, ini juga merupakan hari lahirnya konvensi tentang hari lahan basah yang diadopsi menjadi konvensi internasional pada tahun 1971. Hari Lahan Basah Sedunia diciptakan untuk meningkatkan, menyadari dan mengakui bahwa lahan basah memiliki peran penting. Salah satunya adalah untuk mencegah erosi tanah dan mencegah […]