
Tag Archives: Meatless Kingdom

Keuken 2022: A Culinary Festival

Sunday (28/08/22), Keuken event was held again after in Bandung that is located in Kiara Artha Park. After being postponed due to Covid 19 pandemic. Focusing on health, and having the tagline “Sunday Funday”, Keuken organizer choose this theme because of the pandemic, there is a raise of health quality in Indonesia, where people are […]

Application of Plant-Based Diets on Hypertension

The prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCD) is increasing rapidly each year, thus becoming the largest cause of death. WHO (2020) stated that 73% of death in Indonesia is caused by NCD. It is caused by the poor regulation regarding the limitation of salt usage, saturated fatty acids, trans fat, and the prohibition of advertising or […]

Carbonethics X Meatless, Innovative Colaboration for a Better Future

Climate is the average weather in a certain location that has occurred for many years while the change of a climate in that location is called climate change. As we all know, the negative impacts of climate changes starting to take place earlier then scientist expected. According from UNCP or United Nations Climate Panel, the […]

Rise of Plant Based Foods In Indonesia

During the Covid Pandemic, especially 2020. Plant-based foods has reached $29,40 billion dollars in sale worldwide.  This data indicates that there is a rise in the trend of consuming plant-based foods as an alternative for meat-based foods. Indonesia citizens itself also started to consume plant-based foods since 2021. Research states that 73% of surveyed Indonesian […]

Science Behind the Development of Plant-Based Meat

Modern agriculture and food industry has produced variety and plentiful supply of safe, affordable, tasty and convenient foods. Those innovation has led to contributing significant reduction of world hunger and malnutrition. However, large production of food using large quantities of animal products, such as meat, fish, egg, milk, and their derivatives are believed to be […]

Efficient Tips for Implementing a Plant-Based Diet

Diet a plant-based is an eating pattern where the majority of people consume foods derived from plants. The Indonesian people are beginning to appreciate the plant-based diet once more after learning the value of adopting a healthy lifestyle during the present pandemic. They believe that adopting a plant-based diet is one of the best ways […]

Eating Meat Can Damage the Environment, How Can You?

Meat is one of the favorite foods of the people in Indonesia. Regardless of age, from children to adults, it is rare for them to dislike meat-based foods. Usually, they process meat into various kinds of preparations, so now we can find meat-based foods easily. Almost on every coastal road there are always sellers of processed food made […]

Plant Based Meat, Sustainable Healthy Menu Options

Processed foods that resemble meat, are now starting to be available in a variety of ways. Not only does it have a delicious taste, these processed foods also have many benefits that are good for the body and the environment. As we know that all forms of food made from plant-based foods usually have more […]

Plant-Based Jerky, Alternative Food for Vegetarian Friendly

At this time, the trend of a vegetarian-style diet is starting to be favored by some people in Indonesia. In particular, this vegetarian-style diet is usually done for those who want to maintain their body shape and adopt a healthier lifestyle. However, hearing the term “vegetarian”, for some people they think that vegetarians are people […]

Cancer Can Be Caused by Eating Too Much Meat! Why is that?

Meat is one of the favorite foods of the people in Indonesia, even throughout the world. Meat-based foods are now increasingly varied. Ranging from heavy meals to snacks. In contrast to those who are vegetarians, for meat lovers, meat is something that must be used as a menu that must be present every day. Of […]