
Saudara Kembar Pola Makan Vegan vs Daging, Siapa Pemenangnya?

Hai Healthy Bestie! Ada kisah menarik tentang dua saudara kembar, Hugo dan Ross Turner. Mereka menjadi pasien percobaan dalam sebuah studi tentang pola makan vegan vs daging. Dilansir dari IFL Science, peneliti dari Departemen Riset Kembar & Epidemiologi Genetik King’s College, London, ingin menyelidiki apakah pola makan vegan lebih sehat daripada makan daging dan produk […]

Flexitarian: Gaya Hidup Seru yang Bikin Tubuh Sehat!

Flexitarian: Gaya Hidup Seru yang Bikin Tubuh Sehat!

Hai Healthy Bestie! Udah pada pengen hidup sehat tapi masih pengin ngemil makanan enak dengan bebas? Nah, jangan khawatir! Kita bisa banget jadi seorang flexitarian. Di artikel ini, kita bakal bahas lebih lanjut tentang apa itu flexitarian dan bagaimana kita bisa memulai perjalanan menuju hidup yang sehat dan seru. Apa sih Flexitarian? Flexitarian itu singkatan […]

3D Print Fish: makanan masa depan!

steakholder 3D print fish

Hi, Healthy bestie! Siapa yang tidak tahu bahwa Industri makanan laut merupakan sektor vital yang berperan penting dalam perekonomian dunia. Namun, penangkapan ikan yang berlebihan dan praktik akuakultur yang tidak berkelanjutan telah menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan yang signifikan dan berkurangnya populasi ikan. Banyak metode akhirnya diciptakan untuk menanggulangi masalah ini. Salah satunya dengan metode pembudidayaan.  Proses […]

Korean Artists Embrace Vegan Lifestyle

Korean Artists Embrace Vegan Lifestyle: Inspiring Change and Compassion

In recent years, the vegan lifestyle has gained popularity around the world. Latest, Korean artists have joined the movement, advocating for a plant-based way of living. Their commitment to veganism not only reflects their personal beliefs but also serves as an inspiration for fans and followers. In this article, we’ll explore the vegan journeys of […]

The Rise of Cell-Based Meat: Sustainable Future of Protein

The Rise of Cell-Based Meat: Sustainable Future of Protein

As the demand for meat grows, concerns about its environmental impact and animal welfare have led to the development of an interesting solution: cell-based meat. Also known as cultured or lab-grown meat, this innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize how we produce and consume meat. It offers a promising alternative to traditional animal farming. […]

Coldplay’s Sustainable Concert: Setting a New Standard

sustainable concert

As concerns about environmental sustainability continue to grow, many industries are searching for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Coldplay is one of the most popular bands in the world, and their upcoming world tour is sure to be a major event. The band also committed to making their tour as sustainable as possible. Coldplay […]

Celebrating Veganism: A Guide to the World’s Vegan Festival

Vegan Festival

Veganism is a popular way of living that encourages compassion, health, and environmental sustainability. Attending a vegan festival is one opportunity to immerse oneself in the vegan community and discover the joys of plant-based life. Vegan events include something for everyone, from wonderful cuisine to inspiring speakers and entertainment. Here are some vegan festival you […]

Donald Watson: Pioneer of the Vegan Lifestyle

Donald Watson

Healthy Bestie, do you know who was the first to pioneer the vegan lifestyle? And which has since evolved into a healthy way of life for city dwellers? Yup, who would have thought it was if a plant-based or vegan diet is closely related to the life of a carpenter in England. In fact, a […]

Plant-based Lifestyle for the Environment

Plant-based Lifestyle for the Environment: A Sustainable Option

The environmental impact of our lifestyle choices has become a crucial concern in today’s world. Adopting a plant-based lifestyle provides a significant opportunity to positively impact the environment. This article discusses the advantages for environment of living a plant-based lifestyle. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Individuals may significantly decrease their carbon footprint by adopting a plant-based […]