Hai Healthy Bestie! Ada kisah menarik tentang dua saudara kembar, Hugo dan Ross Turner. Mereka menjadi pasien percobaan dalam sebuah studi tentang pola makan vegan vs daging. Dilansir dari IFL Science, peneliti dari Departemen Riset Kembar & Epidemiologi Genetik King’s College, London, ingin menyelidiki apakah pola makan vegan lebih sehat daripada makan daging dan produk […]
Tag Archives: Vegan Lifestyle
The environmental impact of our lifestyle choices has become a crucial concern in today’s world. Adopting a plant-based lifestyle provides a significant opportunity to positively impact the environment. This article discusses the advantages for environment of living a plant-based lifestyle. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Individuals may significantly decrease their carbon footprint by adopting a plant-based […]